Advantages of E-exams
Advantages of online examition are as follows:
Cost saving
If an exam is placed online, the cost of paper, copying, and distribution expenses are all reduced or eliminated. The copying and distribution of assignments to a large number of candidates are often unwieldy and inefficient.
Time management
Online testing systems make use of computers that helps in saving time. With the widespread availability of computers and the internet, there is a general acceptability and endorsement of this system. Each student is timed precisely and all results are generated instantaneously.
Security and confidentiality
The security and confidentiality of an exam are critical. The features are well addressed using an online testing system because not only is the content of the exam safely locked away in a database, access to the database is only possible with an authorized personnel. Questions can easily be mixed as each new question is added to the system’s database. The questions can then be randomly drawn from the database. This is why most examination conductors have gradually adopted the online testing platform.
Accessibility and Flexibility
Exams can be conducted anywhere. All a candidate needs is a computer with internet connection. This also means that thousands of students can take the same exams over a wide spread of locations. This allows candidates to take exams at their own convenience. In the same, examiners also benefit from this. Examiners do not have to bother with the laborious task of marking exams as this is well done by the system. The system actually marks each exam and presents the result to the student.
Automation and Intelligent
The objective questions can be scored automatically, while the subjective questions can be scored by keywords or manually by the administrator. Our system can form independent data analysis and examination report for each exam. OEM can carry on the statistical analysis to the quantity, the question type and classification of the exams in the system, calculate the number of the questions and the number of candidates. Depending on OEM, statistical data can be pulled to analyze different data and create reports.