How to help schools create an Online Examination system?
To create an online test, an online examination system is required. As teachers, what can we do to help schools create an online testing tool? Do we need to develop an online testing software? That seems complicated and expensive. Actually, we don’t have to develop an online testing software; there are a large amount of online testing software in the market, we can simply select an online testing software that meets our needs and use it as an online testing tool to help our schools to create online tests.
Firstly, after choosing an online testing software, we can set up the name, LOGO and domain of our homepage to make a branded homepage.
Secondly, we can import students’ information into the online testing software in batches. In online testing software, students’ information can be managed by class and group, and then it’s ready to create an online test. Then how to fully use the online testing tool? Let’s have a close look.
Before creating an online test or examination, we need to import questions into question bank first. We can import our questions in batches using Word documents or Excel forms. The questions imported can be managed by category.
And then we can start creating exams. To make the description more clear, the article is going to take the online testing software, Online Exam Maker(OEM) , as an example. There are four simple steps to create an online test in OEM. First, we fill in the basic information; select questions; add settings and then you can publish the exam. After the exam is created, we can share the link or the QR Code of the exam with our students. And students can click the link or scan the QR Code to take the exam or test without downloading any applications or signing up.
We can also designate classes or groups to take a certain examination by setting. In that case, students have to log in with their accounts to take the exam.
And we should really make good use of the anti-cheating features provided by the online testing software. We can set up anti-cheating settings, like face recognition setting, and after it is set, candidates will have to pass the face recognition process to enter to take the exam. Therefore, impersonators will not be allowed by the online testing software.
Also, we can set up full screen mode, then candidates will enter the full screen mode when enter to take the exam, and the candidates will not be able to exit the mode until they hand in the papers. Thus, candidates can not switch pages to search for answers.
There are also many other anti-cheating features provided by the online testing tool, such as camera surveillance, intelligent anti-cheating monitoring, no copying or pasting, screen switching limit and interruption limit. And they are effective ways for us to prevent students from cheating during an online test.
Also, the auto-marking function of the online testing software can really release us from the boring and time-consuming marking job. When it comes to the objective questions, the software will do the marking job automatically; and as for the subjective questions, for example, essay questions, we can set “grade by keywords” and then the online testing software will grade the questions according to the keywords.
After the exam is finished, we can view the statistical analysis and export the candidates’ exam report for use. We can view the average score, highest score, lowest score, pass rate, number of candidates taken the exam, question analysis and so on. Since the online testing software provide us these statistics, we don’t have to do the exam analysis job by ourselves, which is time-saving.
This is how we can help our schools create an online testing tool and how we can make full use of online testing tool. Online Exam Maker(OEM) is a professional online testing software that we can have a free trial right now.